IRA Karlsruhe 13.11.2022

Richter Dr. Tiberiu Kozma-Burbe

English Cocker Spaniel

Veteran - Rüden

5744. Napoléon du Pré Aux Etocs LOSH 1150399, blauschimmel, 21.4.14, Rhenus Jitterbug × Engi, Z: Thill Jennifer, E: Bruno Michel, F-57430 Sarralbe — 8 Jahre und 6 Monate alter Rüde, blauschimmel, good type, masculine head, good expression, good bite, good ear set, correct leg, good front and rear angulation, a little bit long in loin, correct topline, moves well, but I would like a little more power in zhe movement, good coat texture


5745. Cockerrights Exquisite Diamond DK 04832/2013, , 29.3.13, Charbonnel Blue'n'yellow × Allert's Zsa Zsa Gabor, Z: K. Hellesöe, E: Ursula Tatari, D-52159 Roetgen — 9 Jahre und 7 Monate alter Rüde, good type, good head and expression, I would like a better paralel hhead, good neck, good rear and front angulations, good tailset, excellent topline , good and strong feet, good movement, ok coat texture

V1, CAC(VDH)-V, CAC-V, Alpenveteranensieger, FCI-CACIB-V

Jüngsten - Rüden

5746. Eternal Hero Lanturn (FCI) PKR.VIII-44623, , 2.3.22, Winter Day Perfect Partner × Niewinna Hela z Orszaku Odyna, Z: Ilona Kwiatkowska, E: Ulrike-Liane Gabriel-Ehrenstamm, D-64385 Reichelsheim — 8 Monate alter Rüde, orangeschimmel, good type, beautiful expression with masculine head, goos bite, neck should be longer, front angulation, and chest are still developing, good rear, correkt raer angulation, soft pasters, moves ok tail carriage in movement a little bit high, needs a little bit ring training


Jugend - Rüden

5747. Heluin Don't Doubt Me RKF 6276416, , 7.12.21, Heluin Respect for Courage × Axioma de mi Vida, Z: Ilona Abakumova, E: Jolante Wilkusz, D-68239 Mannheim — 11 Monate alter Rüde, orangeschimmel, good expression, feminine head, correct bite, should have more paralelism, correct neck, overall I would like more substance, I would like a deeper chest, open feets, good topline, good tailset, rear angulations are ok, movement ok


5748. Snoopy's One For The Heart VDH/JSPK/ECS 0222/21, , 21.11.21, Lynwater Jasper × Snoopy's Keepsake, Z: Karin Gerhard-Beyersdorf& Dr. Peter Beyersdorf, E: Claudia Fein, D-85521 Riemerling — 11 Monate alter Rüde,

n. ersch.

5749. Royal's Friend Yondu VDH/JSPK/ECS 0001/22, , 2.9.21, Felamo Tyson × Royal's Friend Team Top Tendency, Z: Nora'Balogh, E: Claudia Fein, D-85521 Riemerling — 14 Monate alter Rüde, orangeschimmel, good type, good body proportions, masculine head with good expressions, good bite, good neck, would like a better chest, i prefer the neck a little bit dryer, moves well, good temperament, i woul prefer a better coat condition

V1, CAC(VDH)-J, CAC-J, Alpen-Jugendsieger, FCI-CACIB-J

Zwischen (15-24 Mon) - Rüden

5750. Royal Quest Delicious PKR.VIII-43402, , 25.7.21, Heluin Mix of Qualities × Royal Quest Body Wishes, ZuE: Elzbieta Kozak, PL-09-500 Gostynin — 15 Monate alter Rüde, braunschimmel, good expression masculine head, correct bite, slightly open eyes, heavy lips, correct neck, front and rear angulations are ok, good substance, movement should be better, rear carriage is ok, good hair condition


5751. M. Monty Fox von Roohan VDH/CSZB 353/C20, , 15.12.20, Fineenas A Beautiful Mind × Esmeralda Lady Fox von Roohan, Z: Tino Hauser, E: Marina U. Michael John, D-61169 Friedberg — 22 Monate alter Rüde, schwarz mit loh, good type, correct bite, head should be more paralel, narrow muzzle, good eyecoulor, short ears, neck should be longer, front and rear angulations are ok, the head is not in balance with the body, he needs more training


Champion - Rüden

5752. Elen's Klondaik Hitmaker for von Roohan CSZB I253/C21, , 31.5.20, Blek Fantom Mistral × Dancing Queen fo Elen's Klondaik, Z: Elena Evdokimova, E: Tino Hauser, D-68647 Biblis — 2 Jahre und 5 Monate alter Rüde, rot, excellent type, good body proportions, good head and expressiont correct bite, correct neck, correct front and rear angulations, chest enough deep, moves well

V1, CAC(VDH), CAC, CACIB, Alpensieger, BOB

5753. Wigglings Sundance Kid LOSH 1288516, , 19.3.19, Ch Black Lord Smooth Criminal × Wigglings Pritty Peggy Sue, Z: Apers /van Guyse, E: Ursula Tatari, D-52159 Roetgen — 3 Jahre und 7 Monate alter Rüde, blauschimmel, good head, muzzle a bit short, a little bit longer neck, correct bite, good front and rear angulations, stron feet, moves ok, tail set and carriage are fine


5754. Bright Side Of Your Life I Will Be SHSB 773874, , 20.9.18, Lindrige Bolt From The Blue × Rainstorm's Afrodite, Z: Czipott, E: Christel Von Der Heide, F-67620 Soufflenheim — 4 Jahre und 1 Monat alter Rüde, orangeschimmel, good type, good head and expression masculine, correct bite, correct neck, good front and rear angulations, strong and solid feet, moves well, good coat quality


Gebrauchshund - Rüden

5755. Givemehope Oz'Obvious-Opium LOF288296/26673, , 7.5.18, Courtmaster Wizard of Oz × Givemehope Loreleï-Fantasy, Z: Bruno, E: Bruno Michel, F-57430 Sarralbe — 4 Jahre und 6 Monate alter Rüde, blauschimmel good type, masculine, correct bite, good expression, correct earset, correct neck, good front and rear angulations, excellent bones correct feet, correct movement, excellent coar quality


Offene - Rüden

5756. Snoeland Blessed Brave Boy VDH/JSPK/ECS 0160/20, , 30.8.20, Early Brunch vom Schloss Hellenstein × I Will Be Blond Sexy and Smart, Z: Breuer, E: Elke Breuer, D-56357 Miehlen — 2 Jahre und 2 Monate alter Rüde,

n. ersch.

5757. Jeweler Dobrov House UChM 18128/001978, , 11.5.20, Ch. Heluin Catch Attention × Ch. Diadema Dobrov House, Z: Dobrov, E: Monika Volkmar, D-74906 Bad Rappenau — 2 Jahre und 6 Monate alter Rüde,

n. ersch.

5758. A Smooth Kiss for Merrysoul ROI 20/2055248, , 3.3.20, Canyonn Magic Moment × Covenant Glitter and Gold, Z: Ancona, E: Annemarie Wolf, D-74842 Billigheim Sulzbach — 2 Jahre und 8 Monate alter Rüde, schwarz, excellent type, feminine head with good expression, correct bite, good earset, correct neck, correkt front and rear angulations, head should be more in balance with the body, movement ok, good coat quality


Veteran - Hündinnen

5759. Snoopy's Jill SpZB 0386/14, , 2.7.14, Francinis Italian Chocolate Chip × Snoopys Famous Grouse, Z: Gerhard-Beyersdorf, E: Jana Holste, D-91575 Windsbach — 8 Jahre und 4 Monate alte Hündin,

n. ersch.

Jugend - Hündinnen

5760. White Maple Cross Quest for Fame MET. Csp.1365/22, , 29.1.22, White Maple Cross Judges Choice × White Maple Cross Faithful Angle, Z: Acs, E: Ulrike-Liane Gabriel-Ehrenstamm, D-64385 Reichelsheim — 9 Monate alte Hündin, schwarz-weiß, good type, feminine head with correct expression, open eyes, correct bite, correct neck, correct front and rear angulations, moves well, temperament ok


5761. Gillian Hill's Queen of South ROI 22/37984, , 24.12.21, Francini's Jamiroquai × Covenant Glitter and Gold, Z: Ancona, E: Annemarie Wolf, D-74842 Billigheim Sulzbach — 10 Monate alte Hündin, schwarz, correct type, bautiful feminine head and expression, correct bite, i woul prefer a bettter front angulation and a deeper chest, rear angulations ok, topline and tailset ok, correct movement, excellent coat quality


5762. Roxicocker Rhapsody in Blu SHSB 788476, , 28.9.21, Ch Craigdean Seeyoujimmy × Roxicocker Lie Ciocarlie, Z: Opris, E: Antonio Balsamo, CH-5105 Auenstein — 13 Monate alte Hündin, blauschimmel, good type, correct head and expressions, paralel head, correct bite, correct neck, correct front and rear angulation, a bit long in loin, moves well, good coat

V1, CAC(VDH)-J, CAC-J, Alpen-Jugendsieger, BJ, FCI-CACIB-J

5763. Gerini's Truelife Rest Is History 21/211595, , 9.9.21, Phix Du Bois D'Achelles × Gerini's Gisele Bundchen, Z: Licciardello, E: Nathalie Surinx, B-3470 Kortenaken — 14 Monate alte Hündin, schwarz mit loh, correct type, good head and expression correct bite, I would like a better paralism head, correct neck, I would like a better front angulations, rear angulations are ok, I would like a better rear movement and coat condition


5764. Awen Undomiel from the Roses of Scotland VDH/SCD/CS 21/194, , 1.8.21, × Emmi Grant of One Heart and Soul, Z: Gabriel Ehrenstamm, E: Ulrike-Liane Gabriel-Ehrenstamm, D-64385 Reichelsheim — 15 Monate alte Hündin,blauschimmel, big female, masculine head and and expression, correct bite, neck should be a bit longer, I prefer better deep of chest, rear angulations are ok, moves well, excellent coat condition


Zwischen (15-24 Mon) - Hündinnen

5765. Royal Quest Crazy about Her PKR.VIII-43357, , 10.7.21, Royal Quest Almost Illegal × Royal Quest Fool for You, ZuE: Elzbieta Kozak, PL-09-500 Gostynin — 16 Monate alte Hündin, blauschimmel good type correct head and expression, correct bite, feminine, correct neck, I would like a better front angulations rear angulation ok, the tail in movement is too downcarried and loosing a little bit the topline in movement, good coat quality


5766. Heavenly Blue Country A Beautiful Mind VDH/JSPK/ECS 0057/21, , 9.4.21, Greatest Hit Sunforest Soul × Heavenly Brownie Unchained Melody, ZuE: Dagmar Dangellus, D-56357 Miehlen — 19 Monate alte Hündin,

n. ersch.

5767. Heavenly Blue Country Angeleyes VDH/JSPK/ECS 0059/21, , 9.4.21, Greatest Hit Sunforest Soul × Heavenly Brownie Unchained Melody, ZuE: Dagmar Dangellus, D-56357 Miehlen — 19 Monate alte Hündin,

n. ersch.

5768. Tiwa's Now My Girl VDH/JSPK/ECS 0024/21, , 14.2.21, Della Fiumana Carbon Copy × Tiwa's Lulu's Back In Town, ZuE: Christine Dierolf, D-74177 Bad Friedrichshall — 20 Monate alte Hündin, correct type, feminine head and expression, correct bite,, correct neck, front and rear angulations are ok, I would like a better rear movement


5769. Elen's Klondaik Aelita for von Roohan RKF 6021716, , 12.12.20, Blek Fantom Mistral × Laverash Rouse Luck, Z: Elena Evdokimova, E: Tino Hauser, D-68647 Biblis — 23 Monate alte Hündin, schwarz, excellent type, good body proportions, feminine head and expression, correct bite, correct eyes, correct neck, i would like a better front angulation, corret chest deep and rear angulations, tail carriage and set is correct, good movement


Champion - Hündinnen

5770. Royal Quest Fool for You PKR.VIII-40579, , 13.4.20, Topday Ringo Star × Royal Quest Body Wishes, ZuE: Elzbieta Kozak, PL-09-500 Gostynin — 2 Jahre und 7 Monate alte Hündin, blauschimmel, feminine head and expression, correct bite, good neck, correct front and rear angulation, nice ripcage, good overal substance, correct movement excellent coat quality


5771. Tiwa's Lulu's Back In Town VDH/JSPK/ECS 0071/18, , 2.4.18, Marveil Donatello × Tiwa's Good Day Sunshine, ZuE: Christine Dierolf, D-74177 Bad Friedrichshall — 4 Jahre und 7 Monate alte Hündin, blauschimmel, good type, good expression, correct bite, a bit heavy lips, I would prefer a dryer neck, excellent front and rear angulations, good chest, correct movement, excellent coat quality, BOS

V1, CAC(VDH), CAC, CACIB, Alpensieger, BH

Gebrauchshund - Hündinnen

5772. Givemehope Once Upon A Time LOF290214/40342, , 11.8.18, Napoléon du Pré Aux Etocs × Give Me Five von der Beyenburg, Z: Thill Jennifer, E: Bruno Michel, F-57430 Sarralbe — 4 Jahre und 3 Monate alte Hündin, schwarz-weiß, good type, head a bit masculine, good expression, correct neck, correct bite as well, soft pasters with turn feet, correct front and rear angulations, in movement she loose a bit the topline, but overal moves good


Offene - Hündinnen

5773. Rainbow Black Night Du Grand Cougnot 298356/40719, , 12.1.20, Givemehope Midnight-Medley × Nuages-De-Magellan Du Grand Cougnot, ZuE: Virginie Chapuis Goete, F-25430 Vellevans — 2 Jahre und 10 Monate alte Hündin, schwarz, correct type, excellent head and expression, correct bite, good neck, excellent front and rear angulation, correct ripcage and chest, a bit long in loin, excellent body substance, correct movement, good coat quality


5774. Esmeralda Lady Fox von Roohan VDH/CSZB 061/C19, , 2.4.19, X-Fox Junior von Roohan × Lady Amira du Bois d'Achelles, ZuE: Tino Hauser, D-68647 Biblis — 3 Jahre und 7 Monate alte Hündin, schwarz mit loh, good type, feminine head with a correct expression, correct bite, correct neck, good front and rear angulations, a bit over weight, moves well


5775. Emmi Grant of one Heart and Soul VDH/SCD/CS 19/048, , 9.2.19, Fantasia's Brad Pitt × Haradwater Somebody to Love, Z: Yvonne Dzubasz, E: Ulrike-Liane Gabriel-Ehrenstamm, D-64385 Reichelsheim — 3 Jahre und 9 Monate alte Hündin, blauschimmel, eminine head with good expression, correct bite, good neck, correct front and rear angulatios, soft pasters with turn feet, closed bhind movement


5776. I Will Be Blond Sexy And Smart VDH/JSPK/ESC 0021/19, , 20.9.18, Lindridge Bolt From The Blue × Rainstorm's Afrodite, Z: Linda Czipott, E: Elke Breuer, D-56357 Miehlen — 4 Jahre und 1 Monat alte Hündin,

n. ersch.

5777. Heavenly Brownie Unchained Melody NHSB 3106200, , 5.12.17, Art Norbells Salt'n' Pepper × Woodcock Hunter C-Paris, Z: Mireille De Hoop, E: Dagmar Dangellus, D-56357 Miehlen — 4 Jahre und 11 Monate alte Hündin,

n. ersch.

5778. Tiwa's Kind of Magic SpZB: 0356/16, , 8.10.16, Mixed Pickles Charles Royal × Tiwa's Good Day Sunshine, Z: Christine Dierolf, E: Nicole und Vanessa Hartmann, D-94259 Kirchberg Im Wald — 6 Jahre und 1 Monat alte Hündin, blauschimmel, type is correct, feminine head with good expression, the muzzle needs a bit more substance, correct neck, I would like a better front angulations but rear angulationion is ok, she is a little bit long in loin, movement ok


5779. Roxicocker Black Pearl VDH/CSZB 004/C17, , 5.12.15, Manaca's Make Believe × Roxicocker Sovereign, Z: Roxana Opris, E: Elisabeth Frick, D-72639 Neuffen — 6 Jahre und 11 Monate alte Hündin, schwarz, in correct type, correct head and expression, ccorrect bite, correct neck and shoulders, correct feet in the front,but the feet behind are turned out, in the movement, behind feet turn out too


American Cocker Spaniel

Jüngsten - Rüden

5780. Be a Rock Star bloom for you SPKP 2206/22, , 9.3.22, Layton Because I Said So × Chloe Notino Vixner, Z: Jan Melicher, E: Nicole und Vanessa Hartmann, D-94259 Kirchberg Im Wald — 8 Monate alter Rüde,schwarz, correct type, good head and expression, correct bite, correct front and rear angulations, the neck could be a bit longer, closed behind, movement tail carriage is high


Zwischen (15-24 Mon) - Rüden

5781. Rumbling Thunder Yuliant UKU 01D057221, , 21.3.21, Delight OF Win Yuliant × Fortuna's Wheel Yuliant, Z: Antonenko Yuliana, E: Larissa Dolgich, D-66740 Saarlouis — 19 Monate alter Rüde,

n. ersch.

Offene - Rüden

5782. Rem Fortuna de Lischt Yuliant UKU0518501, , 21.3.21, Delight of Win Yuliant × Fortuna's Wheel Yuliant, Z: Antonenko Yuliana, E: Larissa Dolgich, D-66740 Saarlouis — 19 Monate alter Rüde,

n. ersch.

Jüngsten - Hündinnen

5783. Back to Black Bloom for you SPKP2210, , 9.3.22, Layton Because I Said So × Chloe Notino Vixner, Z: Jan Melicher, E: Nicole und Vanessa Hartmann, D-94259 Kirchberg Im Wald — 8 Monate alte Hündin, schwarz, correct type, correct head with feminine expression, corect bite, correct neck, the body substance is developing, front and rear angulations are ok, , closed behind movement, excellent temperament


Offene - Hündinnen

5784. Räuberlein's Nights in White Satin VDH/JSPK/ACS 0003/19, , 3.1.19, Räuberlein's I Believe In Miracles × Isabell Border Princess, Z: Verena+Rafaela+Christina Eitel, E: Nicole und Vanessa Hartmann, D-94259 Kirchberg Im Wald — 3 Jahre und 10 Monate alte Hündin, blauschimmel mit loh, correct head, eyes are round, bite ok, neck should be longer, correct front and rear angulations, i would like a better topline,


English Springer Spaniel

Veteran - Rüden

5785. Tango's a spanish Querro SCD/ES14/004, , 9.1.14, Valentino De Los Tres Robles × Usambara De Los Tres Robles, ZuE: Melanie Vogel, D-92720 Schwarzenbach — 8 Jahre und 10 Monate alter Rüde, excellent type, good expression masculine head correct bite, correct eyecolors, correkt rear and front angulation, ear set is a bit high, correct movement

V1, CAC(VDH)-V, CAC-V, Alpenveteranensieger, BV, BOB, FCI-CACIB-V

Jugend - Rüden

5786. X-tra Smart vom Belauer See VDH/JSPK/ESS 0081/21, , 7.12.21, Sieger's Easter Day × Okka vom Belauer See, Z: Ulf F. Baumann, E: Svenja Arendt, D-23626 Ratekau — 11 Monate alter Rüde, correct type, masculoine head with correct expression, I would like a bit darker eyes, neck should be a bit longer, front and rear angulations are ok, closed behid movement

V1, CAC(VDH)-J, CAC-J, Alpen-Jugendsieger, FCI-CACIB-J

Zwischen (15-24 Mon) - Rüden

5787. Dancer von der Springerbande VDH/SCD/ES 21/009, , 11.2.21, Sieger's Play the Game × Felicitous Kizzme, Z: Nicole Hartmann, E: Nicole und Vanessa Hartmann, D-94259 Kirchberg Im Wald — 21 Monate alter Rüde, masculineheavy head, correct bite, heavy lips, neck could be dryer, but enough long, turned front feet, ok angulations, a bit long in loin,


Champion - Rüden

5788. Ocean Pitfal Yodeller for Levana SHSB 777164, , 28.8.20, Ocean Pitfal Wow Vilken Kille × Oceanpitfal Vain is not my Name, Z: Suvi Lindholm, E: Theres Lang, CH-8488 Turbenthal — 2 Jahre und 2 Monate alter Rüde, correct type, correct head and expression, correct bite, correct neck, excellent front angulations, but overangulated rear witch makes him a sloping topline, moves ok


5789. Felicitous iSplash VDH/SCD/ES 17/020, , 16.2.17, Plaiglen Hustle × Felicitous Charmin, Z: S. Menten & G.Silingardi, E: Petra Malchus, D-55278 Undenheim — 5 Jahre und 8 Monate alter Rüde, good type, masculine head with good expression, correct bite, I would prefer a longer neck, front and rear angulations are ok, moves well good temperament

V1, CAC(VDH), CAC, CACIB, Alpensieger

Offene - Rüden

5790. Winterwater Creek's Jack Sparrow LOS 771921, , 26.5.19, Sieger's Money Talks × Winterwater Creek's Hells Angel, Z: Barbara Illenschitz, E: Uta Hoff, CH-4543 Deitingen — 3 Jahre und 5 Monate alter Rüde, correct type, masculine head and expression, correct bite, beautiful paralel head, I would like a better front angulation, rear is ok, moves ok


5791. Point Black De Los Tres Robles LOE2389897, , 15.11.17, Leader of the Pack De Los Tres Robles × Bambola De Los Tres Robles, Z: Elena Stohr, E: Melanie Vogel, D-92720 Schwarzenbach — 4 Jahre und 11 Monate alter Rüde, good type, correct bite, good expression, neck is ok, ok front and rear angulations, he is short and it changes a little bit the typical movement of the breed


Veteran - Hündinnen

5792. Tango's A spanish Quanita VDH/SCD/ES 14/007, , 9.1.14, Valentino De Los Tres Robles × Usambara De Los Tres Robles, ZuE: Melanie Vogel, D-92720 Schwarzenbach — 8 Jahre und 10 Monate alte Hündin, correct type with feminine expression, correct bite, correct neck, correct front and rear angulations, closed behind movement, but overall very good

V1, CAC(VDH)-V, CAC-V, Alpenveteranensieger, FCI-CACIB-V

5793. Ida Magic Dream von Sodila SpZB 0610/13, , 30.10.13, Barecho Let the Music Play × Emma-Fee von Sodila, Z: Gabriele Klee, E: Sarah Burkard, D-67368 Westheim — 9 Jahre alte Hündin, feminiene head and expression with correct bite, neck should be longer, for a working dog I would prefer a better chest, moves well, excellent temperament,


Jugend - Hündinnen

5794. X-tra marvelous vom Belauer See VDH/JSPK/ESS 0084/21, , 7.12.21, Sieger's Easter Day × Okka vom Belauer See, Z: Ulf F. Baumann, E: Svenja Arendt, D-23626 Ratekau — 11 Monate alte Hündin, good type, feminine head and expression, correct bite, I would prefer darker eyes, neck is ok, I would prefer a better front angulations, rear is ok, I would like more ticks on the white markings, nice movement nice temperament

V1, CAC(VDH)-J, CAC-J, Alpen-Jugendsieger, BJ, FCI-CACIB-J

Champion - Hündinnen

5795. Okka vom Belauer See VDH/JSPK/ESS 0023/18, , 5.5.18, Calvdale Keelman × Jolanthe vom Belauer See, Z: Ulf F.Baumann, E: Svenja Arendt, D-23626 Ratekau — 4 Jahre und 6 Monate alte Hündin, excellent type, beautiful head and expression, correct bite, I would like a little bit darker eyes, ok neck, I would like more front angulations, correct feet, moves well, correct tail carriage in movement, BOS

V1, CAC(VDH), CAC, CACIB, Alpensieger, BH

Gebrauchshund - Hündinnen

5796. Abby-Lou vom Westheimer Eck VDH/JSPK/ESS 0068/17, , 3.8.17, Captain vom Schieferberg × Ida Magic Dream von Sodila, Z: Sarah Burkard & Tanja Stiefel, E: Sarah Burkard, D-67368 Westheim — 5 Jahre und 3 Monate alte Hündin, correct head and expression correct weyecolor, correct front and rear angulations, feet are ok, she is a bit long i loin, moves well


Offene - Hündinnen

5797. Brynhild vom Westheimer Eck VDH/JSPK/ESS 0026/20, , 17.7.20, Artus vom Steprather Wald × Abby-Lou vom Westheimer Eck, Z: Sarah Burkard & Tanja Stiefel, E: Tanja Stiefel, D-67368 Westheim — 2 Jahre und 3 Monate alte Hündin, feminine , good head and expression, correct eyecolor, correct bite, but missing 1 Incisivius, correct neck, front and rear angulations, moves well


5798. Valentina aus der Kätchenstadt VDH/JSPK/ESS 0031/20, , 6.7.20, Dexbenella Sirius Black × Pepsi aus der Kätchenstadt, ZuE: Susanne Pfeiffer, D-74861 Neudenau — 2 Jahre und 4 Monate alte Hündin, good type, beautiful feminine head correct bite, but missing a Incisivius, correct neck, quite a bit overangulated, correct front angulation, soft pasters, moves well


5799. Tango's Here are Kisses from the Air VDH/SCD/ESS 19/90, , 1.5.19, Point Black De Los Tres Robles × On my Own De Los Tres Robles, ZuE: Melanie Vogel, D-92720 Schwarzenbach — 3 Jahre und 6 Monate alte Hündin, correctbtype, feminine head good eye color, correct neck, front and rear angulations are ok, correct feet, moves I would like a better croup, moves well,ko9,llof

V1, CAC(VDH), CAC-R, CACIB-R, Alpensieger

Clumber Spaniel

Zwischen (15-24 Mon) - Rüden

5800. Amasico Bajazzo VDH/JSPK/CL 0004/21, , 5.4.21, Rhenus K's Kibo Lightning × Sugar Loaf Golden Celebration, Z: Regina Flick, E: Elke Breuer, D-56357 Miehlen — 19 Monate alter Rüde,

n. ersch.

Field Spaniel

Jugend - Hündinnen

5801. Roodkapje of the Fields Society NHSB 3246017, , 2.8.21, Adam × Gin Tonic Of The Fields Society, Z: Ellen Canta -Zintel, E: Mariska Vijvers-Roosink, NL-Rijssen Overijssel — 15 Monate alte Hündin, excellent type, beautiful feminine head, good expression, correct bite, excellent ear set and carriage, good front and rear angulations, soft pasters, excellent movement, excellent temperament, beautiful presentation

V1, CAC(VDH)-J, CAC-J, Alpen-Jugendsieger, BJ, BOB, FCI-CACIB-J

Champion - Hündinnen

5802. Just June of the Fields Society NHSB 3093108, , 11.8.17, Faith for Ever of the Fields Society × Dolce Diva of the Fields Society, Z: Ellen Canta - Zintel, E: Mariska Vijvers-Roosink, NL-Rijssen Overijssel — 5 Jahre und 3 Monate alte Hündin, excellent type, good head and expression, correct bite, good substance, excellent neck, soft pasters, correct front and rear angulations, closed behind movement, overal moves well


Welsh Springer Spaniel

Jugend - Hündinnen

5803. Hanuta Puzzle Piece vom Hause Zerrath VDH/JSPK/WSS 0031/21, , 7.12.21, Al Gismo vom Hause Zerrath × Werinas Bellatrix, ZuE: Astrid Dietrich, D-86932 Lengenfeld — 11 Monate alte Hündin, correct type, correct head feminine expression, correct bite, typical ears for the breed, I would like a bit more substance and more angulations, loosing topline in movement, I would like more power in movement


5804. Bria Czechwel CLP/WSS/5614, , 17.7.21, Ponthos od Jasvky × Darsy Krávhrádek, Z: Záleáková, E: Dana Kindlová, CZ-33401 Petice — 15 Monate alte Hündin, good type, feminine head, correct bite, I would like darker eyes, typical ears, good front and rear angulations, correct tailset, a bit closed behind movement

V1, CAC(VDH)-J, CAC-J, Alpen-Jugendsieger, BJ, BOB, FCI-CACIB-J

Zwischen (15-24 Mon) - Hündinnen

5805. Gin Colada vom Hause Zerrath VDH/JSPK/WSS 0014/21, , 29.6.21, Churnwood King of the Castle × Madonna Brixis Pride, ZuE: Astrid Dietrich, D-86932 Lengenfeld — 16 Monate alte Hündin, good type, good head and expression, correct bit, ok neck, I would like better front and rear angulations, closed behind movement,


5806. Caledonia's Bailey vom Hause Empen VDH/JSPK/WSS 0008/21, , 24.5.21, Tegan Our Loyal Welsh × Caledonia from a Mountain Range, ZuE: Martina Empen, D-73066 Uhingen — 17 Monate alte Hündin, excellent type, good head and expression, correct bite, typical ears, correct front and rear angulations, strong topline, tail carriage a bit high, but overal a beautiful female

V1, CAC(VDH), CAC-R, CACIB-R, Alpensieger

Champion - Hündinnen

5807. Raffelsbrander Blaze of Glory VDH/SCD/WS 21/004, , 14.2.21, Islanza Golden Eye × Oliver's Extra Design of Stardom, ZuE: Rita Kaufmann-Dötsch, D-52393 Hürtgenwald — 20 Monate alte Hündin, correct type, good head and expression, correct bite, typical ears, correct neck, front and rear angulations, correct substance, moves well but loosing the topline in movement


5808. Caledonia from a Mountain Range SpZB 0122/16, , 27.4.16, Khandor Our Loyal Welsh × Abby from a Mountain Range, Z: Siegfried Stute, E: Martina Empen, D-73066 Uhingen — 6 Jahre und 6 Monate alte Hündin, excellent type, feminine head with correct expression, correct front and rear angulations, correct neck, moves well, tailset a little bit high in movement

V1, CAC(VDH), CAC, CACIB, Alpensieger

Offene - Hündinnen

5809. Clanmore Annianne Spirit In The Sky VDH/SCD/WS 19/014, , 6.8.19, Ch Don's Tufted Duck × Sarabande Amazing Grace A.I., ZuE: Petra & Ingo Nossol, D-74858 Aglasterhausen — 3 Jahre und 3 Monate alte Hündin, feminine head, a bit round eyes,, correct bite, correct neck, typical ears, I would like a deeper chest, rear feet turn out, closed behind movement, missing a bit of temperament